“We have lived at Walden Circle since May 2019. We are thankful for all the efforts of the staff for looking after us during this pandemic. We are one big family and we couldn’t have picked a better place to live. I worked for the Toronto Dominion Bank for over 40 years. During those years I did several paintings. Once I retired I attend several workshops and taught acrylics for 11 years. During my art career I painted over 250 paintings. Most of my paintings are from photos I had taken. I also painted several commissioned paintings. I remember one painting where a neighbour asked me to do a painting of an early streetcar in Toronto. The photo was taken in the early 1900’s and of course it was black and white. I did some research and drove into Toronto to the exact location of the photo. I was able to get the proper colours and my neighbour presented the painting to her husband. I am getting ready to start a painting of flowers from our 60 Anniversary earlier this month.” Ron.S.- Resident An original painting by Ron .S.