Following these small steps will help you stay active and healthy
Step1: Physical
Participate in exercises classes, Zumba, Yoga, Aqua Fit, walking, or sit fit classes.
Step 2: Emotional
Attend church services, meditation, health and wellness seminars, therapeutic gardening, and pet therapy.
Step 3: Social
Staying engaged daily with others, tea and coffee socials, joining a community group, join a book club, stay connected with family and friends.
Step 4: Creative/ Intellectual
Join a bridge or euchre club, play scrabble or chess, crosswords, Sudoku, read, keeping up with currents events, listening to educational guest speakers, ex) History of classical music, watching a documentary, participating in art painting and drawing classes.
Step 5: Spiritual
Involve yourself in prayer groups, bible study, hymn sings.
Step 6: Environmental
Being in a safe environment, exploring nature and surrounding yourself with positive people.
At Walden Circle Retirement Community, we offer a specially-designed fitness program. CLUB fit, was created just for our residents to help spark that sense of vitality. Whatever your physical condition, we have a program that can help you get more out of life. Powerfit, Aquafit, Combofit, Gentle fit… this comprehensive set of programs was created specifically to suit the needs of seniors, and make fitness fun!